ATLANTA – After you apply for federal disaster assistance, it is important that FEMA be able to contact you. Be aware that phone calls from FEMA may come from unidentified or out of area numbers.
If there are changes in your phone number, current address, banking or insurance information, please let FEMA know as soon as possible or you may miss important telephone calls or correspondence.
FEMA may need to call some survivors to continue processing their application for assistance after Tropical Storm Debby, Aug. 4–20, 2024, or Hurricane Helene, Sept. 24—Oct. 30, 2024. FEMA also may contact some survivors to obtain more information for their application.
You can update your contact information in several ways: Go online to, visit a Disaster Recovery Center, use the FEMA App or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. The telephone line is open every day and help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service such as Video Relay Service, captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service. Survivors can also call the Georgia Call Center at 678-547-2861 Monday through Saturday.
For the latest information about Georgia’s recovery, visit and Follow FEMA on X at or follow FEMA on social media at: FEMA Blog on, @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol on X, FEMA or FEMA Espanol on Facebook, @FEMA on Instagram, and via FEMA YouTube channel. Also, follow Administrator Deanne Criswell on X @FEMA_Deanne.